RdWeb Customize

To change the Title
Start Powershell as Administrator
Set-RDWorkspace -Name “YourNameHere”

Change the RD Workspace Name and Other Text On the RDWeb Login Page:

  1. Use Notepad to edit %windir%\Web\RDWeb\Pages\en-US\RDWAStrings.xml
  2. Change the text as you see fit like:
    1. line 3 which contains the Page Title
    2. line 10 which contains the HEADING RDWA , and
    3. line 12 that contains the HELP title text

WARNING: Internet Explorer does a good job of detecting the changes when you refresh the page but Chrome does not.  Soooo, if you are using Chrome, make sure you flush your browser cache.

The text in this file is used in more places than just the RDWeb login page.

More Info HERE
