Backup Synology to Wasabi S3 Cloud Storage

Step 1: create a Wasabi accout (trial will work fine for our purpose)

I was able to use a gmail account and not a business account. It will send you an email to proceed so a fake mail account won’t work. Find the email and click the link. Fill out the form and sign into the account instantly. easy stuff.

Step 2:
You should now have an empty Wasabi Dashboard with no Buckets so click the big green button in the top right that says “create Bucket” name your bucket the name of the item you are going to backup.

you will be asked for a region name, choose whatever is closest to you. hit the copy-to-clipboard icon to copy the region name as we will need that info

pate that region name into notepad, we are going to gather some more info

In the Wasabi left menu pane, click Access Keys it is currently empty so click Create Access Keys in the top right corner.

Your access key is auto-created. Click Show Secret Key and then copy both the Access key and Secret key to your notepad

Step 3:

Open Synology web interface and from the Package Center make sure Hyper Backup is installed

From the Main Menu (top left, looks like the Windows icon) open the Hyper Backup app

for Backup Destination choose S3 Storage and click Next

Fill in the fields from the notepad we made in Step 2. If you filled in Server Address, Access Key and Secret Key correctly you will be able to pull down Bucket Name and choose your bucket from Step1. Click Next

Choose which folders you want to backup

The next screen asks if you want to backup the configuration of any of the Synology NAS apps. I’ll recommend choosing Hyper Backup but the others are up to you. Click Next

Next choose a schedule, default days are fine but choose times that are in the wee hours of the morning when nobody is using files. Click Next

Enable Backup Rotation, Smart Recycle keeps more recent backups and still a few older backups. The Max versions; lower this to keep the amount of storage you are using in check. Pay attention to the Oldest backup date on the bottom left. Click Apply

You will be prompted to run a backup immediately, Click No to have the backup run after hours.

You are now setup to have your NAS backup to the Cloud
