HoneyPots on RasPi

16th October 2019

Raspberry Pi is ideal hardware for a Honey Pot; inexpensive, capable and well supported. Found this list of HoneyPot software OpenCanary looks interesting as they an open and a paid…

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High quality picture stalking

A stalker has used high quality selfies to stalk and learn the home address of an internet celebrity by looking at the reflections in her eyes and using Google maps…

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Windows Defender getting some love

Windows Defender is proving to be an excellent Anti-Virius despite it being free from Microsoft. It was announced that it will be the only AV able to be run in…

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Climate Change

13th October 2019

97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is a real thing and caused by humans. source NASA

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Office Macro Viruses

10th October 2019

A client runs some old versions of Office 2010 and rarely update for fear of breaking something. A familiar song. Using this procedure to test which versions and patch levels…

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Dot Net 3.5 on Windows 10

Sage application requires dot net 3.5 but new workstations are Windows 10. WSUS may be blocking the install of DotNet 3.5 Found a few articles on how to make this…

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Update Google Calendar

9th October 2019

Due to a recent flaw allowing anyone to schedule time on your calandar, Goofle has released a Calendar update. Recommend going to the Android/Google play store, search for Google and…

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Hackers Hacked back, Ransomware keys released

It was only a matter of time before the hackers hacked the wrong person. Tobias Fromel was tired of their shenanighans and hacked them back retrieving a booty of decryption…

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Intel vPro; Good & Bad?

vPro is a technology that allows servers or laptops to be powered on or off remotely, allows boot media to be attached so a OS can be loaded remotely, an…

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QR Codes and Keyboard wedges

QR Code; like a barcode label but it encodes data vertically as well as horizontally. Packs a lot of info into a small space. Iphone has supported since iOS11, Android…

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