Security Awareness Intranet Site

Today i set about creating a security Awareness intranet site for a client.

They have a nice VmWare instance so i created a virtual server and called it SecAware. Downloaded the latest Ubuntu server image (only the live image is available via bitTorrent but thats fine for my purpose as live doesn’t include all the software i’m never going to use) Install Ubuntu OS 18 LTS, when it asks be sure to install OpenSSH, reboot and use ifconfig to note the IPaddress. Use Putty to SSH into server.

Install Webmin for conventient administration via a webpage at https://SecAware:10000
apt-add-repository “deb sarge contrib”
cd /root
apt-key add jcameron-key.asc
apt-get install apt-transport-https
apt-get update
apt-get install webmin

Install LAMPs (Linux, Apache, MySql, Php) following this prodedure.
apt-get install apache2
systemctl enable apache2
apt install php php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-xml php-xmlrpc php-soap php-intl php-zip

Remember to set a DNS entry, wait for replication, then access the site via DNS (NOT IP ADDRESS) so the site knows whats up. Then setup WordPress.

Install the QSM (Quiz and Survey Master) plugin noting that it supports Certificates and Leaderboards. Remember to activate the plugin or you can’t find it. has a lot of security awareness posters and info. Another good source is to just do a google image search.

If you have a domain you can use Group Policy to set your users’ workstations background and login screen image.
