Green Home Ideas

21st June 2023

3d printed cement walls; i know cement isn’t green, but this reduces manpower significantly. Looking for greener cement alternatives

Passive solar design; the roof extends a meter+ beyond the outside wall on the south side of the house.
South exterior wall has many windows to let light in
Dark color brick wall runs parallel to the south windows to act as a heat battery

Roof; Asymetric roof with longer south slope.
south slope is black and support solar panels or shingles and skylights. skylights have horizontal slat blinds
shorter north slope is white to reflect sun during the summer, doesn’t get direct sunlight in winter
alternately north slope could be green roof/plants
water hoses used to cool solar panels run to hot water tank in attic
attic has plastic sheets hung that collect any drips and funnel them to a water sensor and out under the soffit

Grey water system; rain gutters are filtered and run to water storage in attic / slightly lower.
used to flush toilets

mats under sinks, tub, shower, washing machine, dishwasher, fridge has water sensor and tube funneling water to the sump or above a sink. +water sensors

Central heating
Geothermal + Heatbit cryptomining furnace.
Windows have horizontal blinds, black on one side & white/silver on the other for winter/summer

Water heating
Tankless Natural Gas / Small tank (RV) Electric / CryptoElectric